Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Top 30 Coronation Street Couples

18. Ernest and Emily Bishop

After dating many men, Emily Nugent met and fell in love with photographer Ernest Bishop in 1969. They shared the same interests and they became engaged in 1971. They married the following year and moved into 3 Coronation Street. By 1976, Ernest’s photographic business had gone bankrupt and he became the butt of all jokes when he became the first house husband while Emily was the breadwinner. Although they had a secure marriage, it was tested many times. Emily suffered a miscarriage soon after marrying and started a menopause in 1974. In a bid for Emily to connect with young children, they turned to short-term adoption. They also rowed when Ernest became a pianist at the Gatsby nightclub – accompanying Rita Littlewood. Ernest secured a job as a wages clerk at the newly opened factory Baldwin’s Casuals in October 1976 – a job that would cost his life. In 1978, two robbers burst into his office demanding money. While Ernest was trying to reason with them, Mike Baldwin walked in and startled the robbers and the gun went off, fatally shooting Ernest and Emily was left a devastated widow.

Should Ernest and Emily be at 18? Leave comments!


  1. I love the story of Emily Bishop and her Ernest. PS. CSC - Just because there's no comments doesn't mean people aren't reading! Try installing Google Analytics to track your statistics.
