Saturday 19 December 2009

Top 30 Coronation Street Couples

29. Harry and Concepta Hewitt

After wife Lizzie was killed in a road accident in 1959, Harry found himself a widower and a single father to Lucille. He put Lucille in an orphanage but by the end of 1960, she returned to the street. Coincidentally, Irish barmaid Concepta Riley returned to Weatherfield after spending some time in Ireland and began a relationship with Harry. He proposed to her in Blackpool and the couple married in 1961. Harry didn’t settle down easily into his second marriage with arguments and his choice of drinking with old pal Len Fairclough rather than spending time with his new wife. Soon enough, Concepta fell pregnant and Christopher was born in 1962. Christopher was kidnapped on the Hewitts’ first anniversary by Joan Akers but was saved by Elsie Tanner. By 1964, Concepta was worried for Christopher’s health and wished to move to Ireland. Although reluctant and first, Harry agreed and they emigrated. Lucille refused and moved in with the Walkers at the Rovers. Harry and Concepta returned for Elsie’s wedding to Steve Tanner in 1967 but Harry was crushed when a car jack gave way, leaving Concepta widowed.

Should Harry and Concepta be at 29? Leave comments!

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